A Button to toggle the visibility of a Container




_isToggled: boolean

The flag of the toggle status *

button: HTMLButtonElement

The HTML element of the button *

childControls: Control[]

The child controls

containerToToggle: Container

The Container which visibility get toggled *

iconClassName: null | string

The icons css class name *

iconClassNameToggled: null | string

The css class name of the font icon visible when the button is clicked *

on: ButtonOnSignature<EventsKey>
unicode: null | number

The unicode for the font icon *

unicodeToggled: null | number

The unicode of the font icon visible when the button is clicked *



  • Protected

    Get the closest parent element for toggle. For the core feature version it's the .bgis-map For the full feature version it's the .bgis

    Returns null | Element

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